Friday, July 16, 2010

"Losing" yourself in London...

The more you walk around London (or any big city, for that matter), the broader your comfort zone becomes, and the more adventurous you get. Today was a classic example. It began simply enough with a search for some Gelato, which was found in relatively short order. Then, the decision was made to make our way down to the Thames, by way of Covent Garden. After some browsing of merchant stands and shops, two of our colleagues opted to remain at Covent Garden while the rest of the group pressed on to the river, which we did eventually find down at the Waterloo Bridge. The group took full advantage of the photo-op, despite the brisk winds.

We ended up taking the "extended scenic route" back to our flat by way of the Strand, Trafalgar Square, and Charing Cross. Sure, we had to reference the map a couple of times, but we never felt truly "lost" and once we sighted landmarks just a few blocks from our flat, we all knew that we had found our way back successfully. A bit of a long walk just for some gelato? Perhaps, but for the opportunity to keep exploring London, it was well worth it!

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